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Complete Health Coverage with Solgar Iron-Free Formula VM-75

Complete Health Coverage with Solgar Iron-Free Formula VM-75

Your body has a long to-do list to accomplish every day, from carrying nutrients and oxygen through our bloodstream to sending nerve signals and building and maintaining skin, muscles, and bones. To do all of this, your body needs sufficient vitamins and minerals that...

Why Vitamin D is Vital for You

Why Vitamin D is Vital for You

New Vitamin supplements come out every day, but Vitamin D continues to be the one of the most essential ones due to its powerful health benefits for bones, teeth, immunity, mood, heart, and thyroid. Vitamin D is different from other nutrients because it has an...

5 Oral Hygiene Mistakes You Might Be Making and Didn’t Know About

5 Oral Hygiene Mistakes You Might Be Making and Didn’t Know About

Having good oral hygiene is non-negotiable, either you have it or you're in trouble. Good oral hygiene helps prevent cavities and gum disease, and it can also reduce the risk of developing more serious conditions like heart disease. That's why it's so important to...

Tips to Keep Your Toothbrush Clean and 100% Efficient

Tips to Keep Your Toothbrush Clean and 100% Efficient

Taking care of your toothbrush is simple and important as it directly affects your dental health. It’s simple, when you take care of your toothbrush, you are directly optimizing your dental health. Maintaining your toothbrush in good conditions will maximize the...

4 Trends that Could Be Affecting Your Dental Health

4 Trends that Could Be Affecting Your Dental Health

Nowadays, following health care “life-hacks'' or “FADS” might be considered easier than going to see your doctor, but these so-called FADS are not always reliable. They can end up being harmful to your dental health.For this reason, we consider it necessary to address...